
Applications for the World Crescents and Stars for Packaging Starting

The applications for "the World Crescents and Stars for Packaging 2020" that is traditional competition of the Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association (ASD) which contributes to the improvement of the packaging industry in Turkey with its activities and projects are started on February 2020. With the Competition organized in 13 different categories, ASD aims to enable brands, designers and packaging manufacturers to gain competitive power in the international markets and to encourage unique designs and applications and strengthen the corporate identity of packaged products. All competitors ranking in the "the World Crescents and Stars for Packaging 2020 where unique packaging designs and different and innovative packaging applications are awarded can join WorldStar and AsiaStar Competitions to represent Turkey.
In the Competition where the ranking packaging products are granted with Gold, Silver, Bronze and Competency awards, the winners of "Gold Packaging Award" are also selected among the products worthy of "Gold Award" in cooperation with the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE). The Competition for which applications will be accepted till June 5th is organized in the following categories: Food, Beverages, Electronic and Electrical Household Appliances, Health and Cosmetic Products, Home - Automobile - Office appliances, Equipment and Disposables, Packages for Other Non-Food Products, Pharmaceuticals, Industrial and Transportation Packages, Packaging Materials and Components, Point of Sale, Presentation and Storage Products, Flexible Packaging, Graphic Design and Luxury Packaging.
Making comments about the topic, Mr. Zeki Saribekir, President of the Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association (ASD) said: "As the Turkish packaging sector, we always raise our level based on an innovative perspective. With our technological  infrastructure, good-quality and various product range, we're increasingly strengthening our place as the sector in the world. As the Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association, we're aiming, with the competitions that we organize and attend, to bring our sector into the forefront by a step further.
The successes we had at Asia Star and WorldStar Competitions this year filled our sector with pride. We are convinced that the competitors will compete severely at the World Crescents and Stars for Packaging 2020 next year. We would like to wish success to all competitors in advance". You can find the detailed information on the Competition web page on