
2018 Competition Catalogue and Gala Video Have Been Released!

You can take a look at our Crescents and Stars of Packaging Competition Catalogue; and watch our Gala Night Video

The awards found their winners in the awards ceremony attended by over 500 guests in the Crescents and Stars for Packaging Competition organized by the Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association (ASD) for the 8th time in 2018.

The finalists of 'Crescents and Stars of Packaging 2018' competition, which has become a success story and is a brand across Turkey with increasing participation received their awards in the awards ceremony held in Raffles Hotel Istanbul in the evening of October 12, 2018 Singer Sertab Erener colored the ceremony with her amazing voice.

You can view our catalogue listing the results of Crescents and Stars of Packaging Competition and the video of our Gala night via the following links.

Crescents and Stars of Packaging Competition 2018 Catalogue

Crescents and Stars of Packaging 2018 Gala Night

As 209 applications were evaluated and 113 packages took part in the finals, the highest number of applications was made from the food, graphic design and beverages categories while these three categories comprised about 55 percent of the total number of applications. Among these categories, the food category had the highest number of applications with 50 products. The food category was followed by graphic design with 41 applications and beverages category with 24 applications. Those who were given the Gold, Silver, Bronze and Competency awards from among the 113 finalist packages were announced during the night. 3 ?Gold Packaging Awards? were given to those from among the products which were entitled to receive ?Gold Award? in collaboration with the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE). The 113 packages that ranked in the contest are entitled to take part in the Competition organized by World Packaging Organization and the AsiaStar Competition organized by the Asia Packaging Federation.

Kind Regards,

ASD Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association